Sunday, April 15, 2012

How Kids Can Help Save the Bonneville Sea Lions

California Sea Lion

CALLING ALL KIDS!  Here is how YOU can help save the sea lions at the Bonneville Dam:

At the Bonneville Dam, California Sea Lions are being killed because they are eating salmon. Fishermen are allowed to catch the salmon, but sea lions aren't. Sea lions who catch too many salmon are killed by state officials. These killings are legal because the states of Oregon and Washington have received permission from the federal government to kill the sea lions. 

PLEASE print out and color in this picture of a California sea lion (or, even better, make your own picture of a California Sea Lion) and send it to the Governors of Oregon and Washington ALONG WITH A MESSAGE ASKING THEM TO STOP KILLING SEA LIONS AT THE BONNEVILLE DAM.

Here are the addresses for the Governors:

The Honorable John Kitzhaber
Governor of Oregon
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047

The Honorable Chris Gregoire
Governor of Washington
PO Box 40002
Olympia, WA 98504-0002

Please be sure to take a photo of your picture and share it on our Save Misty the dolphin facebook page before you send it. IF YOU WOULD CONSIDER MAKING A YOUTUBE VIDEO OF YOU DRAWING THE PICTURE AND THEN READING YOUR MESSAGE TO THE GOVERNORS, THAT WOULD BE EVEN BETTER!

Thank you so much! YOU are awesome! Ask all of your friends to do the same! Let's all work together to save our friends the sea lions ♥

For your information, here are some helpful background links:
Social media campaign urges kids to help beleaguered sea lions
An Advocate's Guide to the Scapegoated Sea Lions at Bonneville Dam


  1. That's such an awful thing to do!!! Why kill them?!! They have a right to hunt for anything they desire... Why do humans have to get in the way of nature? :O

  2. I will color a picture of a California sea lion and send it with my message.
